Welcome to the Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks.
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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    What is wrong with me??


    As the title says, I don't know whats happening to me. What is wrong? I'm having weird symptoms. At first I thought I had a heart attack. Then it went from heart attack to panic attack. Then I thought I had infarction. Then it went from infarction to derealization/depersonalization. And now, I'm suspecting general anxiety disorder(GAD). I don't know whats wrong. I'm gonna see my doc tomorrow. Here's my symptoms:

    * Constantly anxiety and flight/fight response.
    * Worried all the time and always stressed.
    * Derealization/depersonalization but very mild.
    * Sometimes my heart starts beating fast and hard and I get dizzy and "shaky". Kind of a "mini-panic attack".
    * Chest pain comes and goes through-out the day.
    * Can't sleep until' I'm really really tired.
    * Depression.

    The symptoms are causing my symptoms. Like, chest hurting>worry>panic>dp/dr>can't sleep and so on. I also thought I had asthma, because sometimes It's heavy to breathe. Even though I'm not having a panic attack. Also, everything gets worse at night.

    I feel like sh*t atm. I can't study or do a anything, because I'm always worried. I haven't been in school for 2 weeks and I'm missing alot. I'm 18 yrs old btw. Help is really appreciated!
    Last edited by AliasEQ; 01-22-2014 at 08:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Southeast US
    * Constantly anxiety and flight/fight response.
    * Worried all the time and always stressed.
    * Derealization/depersonalization but very mild.
    * Sometimes my heart starts beating fast and hard and I get dizzy and "shaky". Kind of a "mini-panic attack".
    * Chest pain comes and goes through-out the day.
    * Can't sleep until' I'm really really tired.
    * Depression.

    This is your post, your question and you answered it. Now this is not a permanent thing mind you but there are your symptoms. Anxiety/depression are at the root,

    and seeing your doc will be a good move, give him this list. See you on that road to recovery. Peace
    "The One you are looking for, is the One looking."
    ---Gene Allen----

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    What Gene said.

    Welcome to the forum and your road to recovery.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2011
    I know its the hardest thing to do but you must not fear your symptoms. The fear will make them worse and bring on even more symptoms. If youve had your health check ups done (blood test, chest xray, blood pressure, ECGs and other heart tests) and results are good then the symptoms you feel are brought on by your constant worrying and feeling on edge.
    You must rewire your brain back to normal. Your nervous system is on overdrive.
    I have had the heavy anxiety for 6 years where I've felt like im having a heart attack countless number of times and nothing has ever happened. Ive never fainted or anything. Been to the ER loads though from panic attacks.

    Go see your doc and let them check you. It'll set your mind at ease.

    We are all here for you : )

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2014
    i am finding myself in your post. it all started with a bad panic attack. then another. then crazy ideas. then a deep silence. then sleep went crazy. then then... all together combined made me feel hopeless. look best is to try solve it by yourself. if you are a worry kind of guy, which seems you are, you should get some meds. im on lexapro and i feel a lot better in just 2 weeks. stop reading bad things in internet (self diagnose is really bad). try to avoid thinking bad things. spend a lot of time and i mean a lot of time with friends and family. dont be alone specially on first days. eat drink read like nothing has happened. i am in that state for only one month and i think i do better each day. it is not an easy ride. open to friends and family, they need to know what is going on so they can help you. best advice is try not to think to much. think that it is something coming from anxiety, because the truth is this. it is like a flu, it comes and goes. it is important to exercise mind and body.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2014
    and please tell us what the doc will say tomorrow. plus you must find the root of your problem. and if sleep continues to be a problem take a sleeping pill. dont fight it it is a lost fight, sleep is not easy when anxious.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Thank you for your kindness and warm welcome, it feels good to not be alone with this feeling. Also, I come here everytime I have a panic attack and it always helps.

    I've been to the doctor and fortunately nothing is wrong with me physically. "It's only panic attacks". It's very uncomfortable though. I can't stop the worrying, it's like trying to control a boner (guys will get this lol). I've noticed that distraction and exercise is the most effective "cure". I've "isolated" myself, which obviously was very bad. It only made it worse. I'll try to get back to how I used to live and back to normal routines. Hopefully this awful feeling will go away.

    Once again, thank you. Excuse my english btw.
    Last edited by AliasEQ; 01-23-2014 at 06:29 AM.



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