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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Caffeine and Celexa

    I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression a few years ago while I was in college. I took celexa and saw a therapist while in college. I went off the medication by the time I graduated because I thought I was better. I moved to Philadelphia with my boyfriend, and we got our own place together. A few months after we moved into our new place, I started to have really bad anxiety and depression again. I was anxious about paying back student loans and getting a job. I thought it would all pass. It didn't. I had debilitating panic attacks and couldn't even consume caffeine anymore it was so bad. So, I got back on celexa. Within a week I was feeling stable as a drum again. A couple weeks after I started the medication, I was able to drink coffee and Scottish breakfast tea again without anxiety. I'm really happy the celexa is helping me cope with the anxiety, but I am afraid that when my doctor and I decide that I can go off the meds again, I won't be able to consume caffeine anymore. I really love coffee and breakfast teas. Does anyone else experience this? Can you consume caffeine on your meds without a problem, but when you're off you can't even go near it?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Florida, USA
    When one is acutely anxious this can happen but once you are past this particular anxiety provoking episode you might be able to drink coffee again. Tea had only a little caffeine and decaf is an option I suppose. Heck if the med helps that much perhaps stay on it or go to 1/2 does for a year and see how it goes after you've felt fine for a while. Alankay



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