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  1. #1
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    Afraid of lose my family and die alone

    Hi guys, I'm new to this forum so first of all, I would like to appreciate whoever created it, good job!

    Second point, why I'm here. I've been always a nervous kid, I don't think that I've ever been like the other kids, they all seem so happy about their lives and with no worries, I on the other hand am always worried about something, I'm never fully relaxed Now this is something that I've always somehow managed to hide from people, people notice I'm somewhat shy and not that much talkative but I always try to have a smile on my face when I speak to others so I think that no one really knows how I feel on the inside, I've always done my best to seem a happy person, which I probably had all reasons to be if it wasn't for my "head problems" or however you call it. I'm 18 years old and I've been always successful at school until recently, what I mean is, I'm not a genius, I'm far from being the best student but at least I never lost a year up to now. Last year 95% of my classmates managed to finish school and go to college but I didn't, I didn't manage pass all disciplines and was left behind, realizing that I probably couldn't end my course on my current area I decided to change to a easier one that I like more (something that I should have done 3 years ago and not now). Now I'm on a class which classmates are in average 2-3 years younger than me, so while I saw most of my old classmates and friends go to college and become someone I went all way back This really depressed me and I've been like this for around 4 months now, my initial thoughts were, I'm a loser, most of my friends managed to pursuit a higher education and I failed at it, how many more years will it take me to finish school and head to college? How many more years will I lose? Could be 1 if I try hard but if I fail I can spend 2 or 3, who knows? By then my old friends already left college... Being in this state of depression I didn't manage to be on my best mood when school started again, I felt that that wasn't the right place for me, you know with younger classmates and all that so I failed to make new friends, and I feel pretty alone now. My old classmates made new friends at college and I was left with only 2 people that I can still call friends (both also failed to end school last year), thing is that even those 2 friends can't be considered best friends, they are people who I like, who I feel that are good people, people who I enjoy to spend time with but our relation isn't that intense, not to mention that I don't see them that much nowadays. I still speak with my old classmates from time to time but it isn't the same thing, I don't seem them on daily basis and as I already said they made new friends so they don't really care about me much of lately.
    I never had many friends, I'm shy, not the most shy person on the world but it's hard for me to gain confidence with people, usually I need them to give the first step.
    Now I already wrote a lot and I didn't even reach the main point. As I already said I was always somewhat nervous and shy and never had many friends, last year was the happiest year of my life, I had friends and had always someone to speak to. This year is a completely different story, I barely have any people to talk to, being left mostly with my family, and here is where comes the biggest problem. 5 years ago I lost one of my grandmothers, being left with only two grandparents from the same side, the side of my mother, it was in them that I sought refuge to make up for my other grandmother loss. I always liked my grandparents but since that loss I've given them a lot more a value than I used to, problem now is that they both already turned 80 and I'm beginning to get worried that I might lose them son, they are doing "fine" they both have "fragile health", my grandmother mainly, she looks so "weak" in her slim body not to mention that she has bone problems, a single fall might mean her end, my grandfather on the other hand seems to be fine being his only problem that he has alzheimer or some disease of sorts, so he needs my grandmother to look after him at all moments, you might be asking where's the problem? Everyone has grandparents and we all lose them someday Well thing is, as I already said when my other grandmother died and sought refuge in my other grandparents and now I begin to wonder that when they die it's on my parents that I'll have to seek refuge. This brought me to the great problem, on who will I seek refuge when my parents die? As I already said I'm shy and barely have any true friends, my parents mean everything to me, they gave me everything I have, they made me who I am. When they die I imagine my world collapsing. I have 18 years and unlike all other boys of my age I never had a girlfriend, so I'm seriously afraid of not being able to form a family and be all alone when my parents leave me. I mean, I have more family, a 10 year older brother and a cousin (as well as her parents, my uncles), that's pretty much my family, I have more but we don't maintain contact, the only people that I really LOVE are my parents and my grandparents, obviously I like my brother (who's my half brother from the side of our dad), my cousin and my parents but I'm not as close to them. Two days ago I began to wonder what will be of me when my parents die, they are the reason of my life, the only thing that kept me alive during all these years that I pretended to be happy was the fact that I knew that I have two great parents at home waiting for me, what when they are no longer there? When my parents parents died/or will die they have other persons to relay on, they have each other, me and my brother, but what about me? As I already said I'm shy and never had a girlfriend, I really am shy with girls, I can build a friendship of trust with other boys but not with girls, I like girls and I act nicely to them but I'm not that cool/cute guy that they seek, not that I'm not, but I don't know how to transmit it, I always seem to act so serious, I can laugh and say a joke or two but not much past that, I don't know how to make a girl like me. So as you can see I'm really afraid that I might not have other family to relay on when my parents die. When I was born my parents were already older than usual, my father is 40 years older than me and my mother 36, I've done my math and if they live an average life they might die in 25-30 years, by then I'll be on my 40s, unlike most people I know that lose their parents when they are already on their 60s or close to that. I know that 25-30 years seem a good amount of time but as I stated on the begin I'm really nervous person and I begin to wonder the future on my head and that makes me cry really hard. I had my sad moments during these 18 years but nothing ever made me feel so bad as this is. I always knew that I would lose my parents sooner or latter but I managed to keep my thoughts away from that and live my life, but now I can't, I simply can't, this doesn't leave my head and I'm suffering a lot with it, I keep crying, right now I have 4 kleenex in front of my, it's becoming hard to hide how I feel from my parents, my mother doesn't work so she stays most of the day at home, as do I, so she already noticed that something is wrong but I told her that it was just me being stupid and that she shouldn't worry about it, as for the Kleenex she thinks that keep blowing my nose, which I do but it's because of the sadness and the tears, not because I'm sick (at least not that way). As I already said my parents mean everything to me, mainly my mother (I like both same way but a mother is always a mother, mainly on my case). As I already said my mother doesn't have a job, she doesn't for a very long time, I also spend a lot of time at home, like 90% of my time, only thing I do nowadays is go to school and stuff related to it, go see my grandparents and do some shopping when needed be, mostly. That means that in my entire life, probably 80% of the time I was with my mother, she is a constant in my life and the only person that I feel that I can open my self with. When she dies my world dies :'( Even if I manage to find my self a wife and have some children they will never replace my mother, she means everything to me. Look at her and think, "one day she won't be here for me", that kills me. I keep on thinking, my parents are what keep me alive, if they die, what other reasons do I have to live, although I understand and respect those that commit suicide I always tried to distance my self from them, this is life, I'm here for some reason, I like to believe that there is a god and that all this has a reason to be, that someday when I die I'll go to heaven and spend eternity with those I love. But that's when I'm optimistic, then I begin to wonder "what if there is no heaven, what if we just die?..." that creeps me. If I lose my parents and have no other reason to live I might just as well kill my self (although then I raise the question, "what if there is a god? What if he doesn't approve my action and denies me access to heaven?" Seriously people, if you read it all this long, THANK YOU THAT MEANS A LOT.

    Last edited by Cricket; 10-31-2013 at 10:10 AM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    I've never felt this bad and I don't know what to do, it's becoming hard to hide my tears from my mother but neither do I have the courage to tell her "I'm sad because I don't know if I can keep going when you are no longer here for me", that would break her heart because there's nothing she can do to change it I really think that I need someone to tell how I feel, but I don't feel comfortable speaking this to my parents or to what's left of my friends, I think that I should seek a psychologist to help me but I know none on my area, I did some search on the internet and I found some but the prices they charge are so high, I'm just a student, I don't work, my savings won't be enough to pay for the help I need, but to tell my parents that I need to see a psychologist would be telling them that something wrong with me and I can' say the truth... I just can't... It also seems unfair to ask them for money to solve my problems I suppose I could see the school psychologist but I don't feel like doing it, I don't want to show anyone on school how I feel even if it is to a professional that would have to keep it secret. Seriously people I'm suffering a lot with all this I don't know what to do, Please help me! I just want to be happy
    Last edited by Cricket; 10-31-2013 at 09:01 AM.

  3. #3
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    I think a lot of us have the same fear, I know I do. I don't handle death very well at all, and if it were someone close to me, I don't know how I would handle it. When I think about it though, it is something inevitable.....it must happen. I try not to be so scared about it because of my faith...and my strong belief in God...but yes, it is tough.
    I would just enjoy the time you have witg them. My parents live about 5 hrs away from me and I have one sibling who lives in another part of the country. ..so any time with them I try not to spend worrying, but having a good time. My dad has gone through some rough things medically.....cancer, surgeries, etc....and is still going....healthy and strong. When we visit, we have the best times, filled with fun and laughter.
    As far as being shy with girls, don't worry about the dating aspect. Just make a friend....forget about the fact that she's a girl for the time being. Also, don't sell yourself short. I, for one, when I was younger and single, always liked the quiet, shy guys. The ones who were loud or always wanted to be the centre of attention didn't appeal to me. Lots of girls are like that, but most likely, they are shy as well.

    I also forgot to say welcome to this forum. There are so many good, kind hearted people on here who really want to help each other.....so I hope that you find some relief by talking to us here.

  4. #4
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    Thank you for your reply trinidiva! Yes, that's how I think, why should I be worrying with this now, live the today, leave tomorrow for tomorrow, but yeah, it's hard how I keep remembering that the good moments won't last forever. I hope I can get rid of these bad thoughts and enjoy life.

    And yes, I think I'll stay around, it's good to know that I'm not the only one that feels this way, I've felt so alone hiding what I feel all these years

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Hi, Cricket..welcome to the site!

    Sorry about your school situation...don't let everyone moving on to college depress you. Sure, it's bad when everyone seems like they are moving forward and happy and you're going backwards or standing still, but the important thing is that one way or other, you'll finish school if you want to...it's always better late than never..and that goes the same from meeting a girl. You're still young..plenty of time to meet a special someone..

    Now on to the heavier topic in your post. Death is a big, inevitable problem that I don't handle well with either..... it's hard to enjoy the good times when in the back of your head you know that it will end someday..your grandparents, your parents are just not going to be there one day.... I've spent a lot of time upset over the future. For the longest time, I tried to ignore thinking about it--I just put those thoughts straight out and moved on with life. You settle into a comfortable pattern in life where you are used to seeing the ones you love everyday, and you get so comfortable, you almost forget there's an ending--until all of a sudden, a death happens. The change and loss is harsh, like a slap in the face and those thoughts of death are shoved up front and center and it's harder to ignore them......That being said, we pretty much are forced to accept that everything ends, and just to truly enjoy the moments we have with the ones we love, because what other choice do we have? Worrying about the end just ruins any good times that could happen.. And when they are gone, you just cherish the great memories you have of them. Of course you will miss them very badly, but to be devastated by their loss would cripple your life and that's not good either...and your parents wouldn't like that you couldn't function without them....it's kinda like making the best of a bad situation...

    I hope this helps you in some small way...just know that you are not alone! ........
    "Fear is static that prevents me from hearing myself."

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cricket
    Thank you for your reply trinidiva! Yes, that's how I think, why should I be worrying with this now, live the today, leave tomorrow for tomorrow, but yeah, it's hard how I keep remembering that the good moments won't last forever. I hope I can get rid of these bad thoughts and enjoy life.

    And yes, I think I'll stay around, it's good to know that I'm not the only one that feels this way, I've felt so alone hiding what I feel all these years
    Its not easy to brush off the bad thoughts but you must make a conscious effort to take the negative thoughts and push them out of your mind and replace them with positive ones. Pretty soon, once you start doing that more frequently, it will get easier.

    Yes, and you are definitely not alone.

  7. #7
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    I really think that I need to speak with a psychologist but I am somewhat afraid of tell that to my mother, not that she wouldn't understand and accept my request, it's just that she will most certainly ask why I need to speak with a psychologist and I don't really know what to say, "I need to see a psychologist because I don't know what will be of me when you die" doesn't seem a great approach. :S Has anyone been in this situation? I really think that speak with an expert would help me.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Cricket View Post
    I really think that I need to speak with a psychologist but I am somewhat afraid of tell that to my mother, not that she wouldn't understand and accept my request, it's just that she will most certainly ask why I need to speak with a psychologist and I don't really know what to say, "I need to see a psychologist because I don't know what will be of me when you die" doesn't seem a great approach. :S Has anyone been in this situation? I really think that speak with an expert would help me.
    actually thats exactly what you shld ask her (albeit a little subtly and in a conducive atmosphere) she may hv gone through same questions u know

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by peaceandlove View Post
    actually thats exactly what you shld ask her (albeit a little subtly and in a conducive atmosphere) she may hv gone through same questions u know
    The problem with that is that I think that that will make her very sad, because she would know that her son is suffering from something that she can't change :S

  10. #10
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    Today I couldn't handle it any more so I told my mother that I need to see a psychologist what she promptly accepted, after some pressure asking why did I feel so bad I didn't know what else to say so I told her the truth, it felt good and bad at the same time
    She told me that I shouldn't be worrying about this, I'm still young and have a life to live, and that she and my father aren't that old and will still be here for a few more years. I told her that I'm afraid of be alone when they die and have no one to talk to, she told me that she only got married by her 30s and lived with her parents until then, that sometimes she too thought she would be alone, but that then she knew my father and they had me, and that the same will happen with me. But I'm so so sad not a thousand of wives and sons will ever replace my parents I need to be loved and looked after, I don't know if I'll be prepared to love and look after others .
    She told me that I should worry more with my studies and get a better life but I feel so empty on the inside, I don't have will to do anything, it's like part of me is dying.
    I hope I can get to see a psychologist soon.
    Last edited by Cricket; 11-01-2013 at 06:18 AM.



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