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  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Sorry you are going through this..it's tough, but we've got to keep it together..it's totally nerve wracking and really puts us on edge, but I'm sure they will be fine. And you will too..hopefully some sleep will make you feel better And you can always come here to chat and help distract yourself, because this forum is great! Wonderful support and people that understand.


    Maybe it's just the family we interact in our lives on a daily basis with..I have a tight knit family I live with that I deeply care and naturally obsessively worry about--but I also have other relatives (cousins, aunt, uncles, ect) that I really don't worry about at all...I still care about them naturally, but the worry isn't there...anyways, sounds like your mom is keeping it interesting, lol.

    And your way of thinking isn't too weird to me. I think that way too..almost the same exact wondering..It's probably not normal, I don't know..but it's who we are
    "Fear is static that prevents me from hearing myself."

  2. #12
    Thanks Sarah, well I had no sleep at all that night, and last night 1hr. Have had 4hrs in 3 nights. I keep getting a racey heartbeat and its putting me off sleeping or rather I just can't. Last night I went and got in daughters bed for a cuddle and felt really relaxed, so got in my bed and dozed on and off for an hour. Felt so much better for it for awhile. Was expecting parents to phone me as they said they would when they got there. Was hours later, still felt pretty calm when at this point I could've been bad. They had gotten lost and couldn't find hotel in Las Vegas!!! I was already worrying and still am about their trek across grand canyon!! Dad is very tired so hope he is sleeping now in their time. What is bad tho' is that can't talk to them on mobile and they can't call me. Nightmare scenario for me. At mo any communication is through my aunt who lives there as she can call them.
    I should've gone back to bed last night really as I know I would've slept as was calm, heart not racing.
    I got Dizapam from the drs yest 2mg, not taken yet as felt I didn't need to last night with the early kip. Am so tired now tho' that am worrying it will just turn me into a zombie and I still won't sleep. Been starting to become forgetful, taking ages posting this up, started seeing things like in a dreamstate but am awake. I should be able to crash out no matter whats going on by now.

  3. #13
    Thanks never to fear, didn't see you had posted as well. Am trying!! Doesn't help with partner going on to sleep. I know he right but it puts more pressure on, have explained this to him but no notice.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa Tuffin
    Thanks never to fear, didn't see you had posted as well. Am trying!! Doesn't help with partner going on to sleep. I know he right but it puts more pressure on, have explained this to him but no notice.
    I know what you mean about your partner going to sleep it make more intense for you I always feel on edge if he falls asleep before me so he tends to wait till im asleep maybe go to bed half an hour before him?



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