Hi everyone,
I'm new here but I thought I'd share my story as it may help me to hear other people I can relate to.
First of all I will say that my anxiety is fairly new, my first panic attack was about 6 months ago now. I was in a nightclub and I felt really ill and really thought I was going to pass out. I had to sit down in the toilets and I had never felt fear like that before. Ever since then I have had health anxiety. For fear of not ever wanting to feel like I'm dying again. (That's what I thought was happening in that club)
And here's the story as of now.
I'm a 19 year old female, I've recently noticed my anxiety getting so bad I can barely concentrate. I have also started to shake a lot. I feel healthy other than some pressure in my head and I've been to my doctor and she thinks the constant shaking is down to my anxiety. I get nervous a lot about getting seriously ill so any symptom I rush to the doctors. I have a slightly swollen lymph node on my neck and I cried for a week because I thought I had lymphoma and got 4 different doctors opinions. My anxiety seems to pass if I feel healthy, but as of right now my shaking is making me anxious because I'm always worried that the doctors missed something. Last night I suffered with two panic attacks and eventually fell asleep at about 5am because I was so exhausted. I went to college this morning and my anxiety was worse than ever. I was trembling and couldn't even concentrate, I also felt extremely faint so I had to leave.
I have done some research into anxiety and I know all the deep breathing techniques but they don't seem to help much.
I'm worried because it's affecting my college work now and I really want to do well. I will also get kicked off my course if I don't do well. Which is making me more stressed, it's like a vicious circle.
Any advice would be appeciated.