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  1. #1

    anxiety. weight loss. trying Zoloft now. advice

    I think i have always had anxiety but after my bf moved away it went full blow physical symptoms mostly chest pain then swallowing pain then full blow health anxiety. I go most the day fearing i have some cancer then around this time at night i have an epiphany and tell myself, all this happened when he moved it HAS to be related. YOU ARE FINE

    in my mind the "misplaced fear" really felt like we went through a breakup, even going to see him didnt really help, now that physically my swallowing pain is gone its been a lot better but still get occasional chest pain and burning muscles. twitching muscles and health anxiety. Right now I'm talking myself out of a blood clot in my leg. ive had xray endoscope ct scan when i had a kidney stone and abdominal ultrasound and bloodwork. all fine besides kidney stone which i think made everything worse because i had no one here to be around when i felt awful.

    im 24yr old female and he moved around the end of July Beg of Aug and since then i have lost around 15lbs. its been about 2 1/2 mo and its been getting better but some days i cant wait to get off work to come home and cry because i feel as if im dying! its depressing because im a happy person and was before this but my happiness came from seeing him and our dog every day for 2 years STRAIGHT literally almost every night, it didnt hit him hard at all but guys are definatly more rational than girls

    ----ANYWAY does this sound like anxiety? It kind of through me for a loop and still have to convice myself everyday that yes this is ALL FROM ANXIETY.

    just curious if anyone has had similar experiences with relationships, weight loss, health anxiety act.

    doc started me on .25mg of zoloft yesterday since im down to about 105lbs hes starting me on the lowest dose. What has been everyones experience on this.

  2. #2
    I can really relate to this

    I'll start by saying that I'm 19 so young like you. I'm also in a long distance relationship, my boyfriend lives in Belgium and I go on the eurostar every 2-3 weeks to spend the weekends with him or he comes to me. I have health anxiety too, and this definitely gets worse when I'm not with him. When I'm with him I rarely even think about it, and I come home and the feelings and stress of being away from heightens your anxiety.

    I have gotten so bad before that I went to see 4 doctors about a swollen lymph node. All were more worried about my mental health than the lump.
    But from reading your story it's anxiety. Anxiety does make you lose weight, because your body is under so much physical and mental stress. Whenever you look up anything on the internet (if you do) always put anxiety in front of it then your symptom. It will 100% come up every time. Because anxiety does so many things to our bodies.

    You have to remind yourself that we are young. It is extremely rare for someone of your age to get seriously ill. There are so many other things that you can get wrong with you that aren't harmful and you can live on a happy life with it. In our minds we jump to Cancer, Brain tumors etc because they are so shocking in the public eye. No other illnesses that aren't life threatening get so much media really. Also google seems to relate anything back to something that is scary.

    Anyway, I hope this helped and feel free to message me if you'd like some support. Like I said I understand your story a lot.

  3. #3
    bump for more input



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