Welcome to the Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Surprise, Arizona

    Very strange symptoms?

    I've been dealing with anxiety for a while now. I had pretty common symptoms like dp/dr and depression. My symptoms keep on getting stranger and stranger. One of the symptoms that really scare the crap out of me is hallucinations. Sometimes things get brighter, and sometimes they get darker. Sometimes my vision narrows. Things will get far away at times, and then sometimes they will get very close. Yesterday I was looking in the mirror and my face started to turn into a monster. I'm not sure if this was just an illusion and I was just being paranoid, or it was a hallucination. Another one is this weird, light feeling I get. When I'm doing nothing, sometimes my breathing will get very light. it's not hard to breath, it just gets really light. I can hear my breath in my head. I've been having crazy mood swings. Sometimes I will be all happy, then the next moment sadness will hit me like a ton of bricks. Does anybody else feel this way sometimes?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2013
    It's the adrenaline. When your brain is hopped up on adrenaline, it is in a high state of awareness, looking for any threat in your environment. It is going at supersonic speed, analyzing all your sensory input, searching for danger. That's why your face looked scary for a second. You've probably seen things out of the corner of your eye as well, haven't you? A spot on the floor you mistook for a big spider. A stick in the grass that looked like a snake for a moment. Things jumping out at you. The visual hallucinations are just your frightened brain mistaking harmless things for dangerous things because it is trying so desperately to protect you. It is getting that adrenaline and saying "Where is the danger? Where is it? I'm getting pumped up, but I can't find the danger! Whoa, what is that? Oh, it' nothing. Whew, that was close! Whoa, look out! Oh, that was just a leaf..." Your hearing and sense of smell will do the same thing. Small noises will make you jump. Strange noises will freak you out. And smells, that normally wouldn't bother you, will seem cloyingly strong. It's awful, but all you can do is endure it, and try not to add secondary fears to it. By secondary fears, I mean fear of the anxiety attack, fear that you are going crazy, fear that something is physically wrong with you. Those fears will only make your panic disorder worse. It will keep you pumped up and producing symptoms. The only way to beat this anxiety is to cultivate a fuck it attitude. Do what you enjoy, and say, fuck it, if I die today I die today, but I'm going to live my life and have fun until it happens. I am not scared of this. This is just adrenaline. That kind of attitude will slowly start bringing you back down to normality.



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