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  1. #1

    best medicine for young female?

    Looking for a suggestion. I meet with my doctor next week. I believe i am suffering from general anxiety dissorder but never had a full blown "attack". It came on fast with the move of my boyfriend but it was all physical symptoms. A LOT of muscle pain, esophagus spasms, numbness tingling. It was so scary which stressed me out to the MAX. its slowly gotten better but day to day i still dont feel like myself and its really taken a tole. my chest muscles are tight and I want something from him that will relax me so my mind can finally relax. Then hopefully after a short period of time I can learn to cope with everything and never let it come back like that AGAIN!

    I am 24yr old female. I did take matters in my own hands when the doc kept INSISTING it was my gallbladder and tried .5mg of kilonopins only tried 4 of them once a night and it did help but then i ran out. Now i got a few valium for night time since my muscles have been so tense. I know its bad to take med without a prescription but i felt like i was going crazy. I am not going to overdue it i know addiction is very serious and i would rather live with anxiety then live with addiction so i know Im ok on that in

    just looking for what has worked best for a young female my age with the sudden physical onset of anxiety.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Boston MA
    I took Ativan from mid February - mid July and stopped cold turkey without issue.

    I'm on nothing at the moment, but I self medicate with alcohol lol - not a good idea , but eh...

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Hi there, once you understand what's happening to you you will feel a lot calmer. There are many good books out there. "Self help for your nerves" is the one that helped me most and is a good place to start.



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