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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Can someone please help me

    Hi there,
    I have been suffering anxiety for while since my dad died and my mums new boyfriend has moved in.
    Anyways right now in my life i have moved into a new place and am not used to paying rent and the area is different like the shops are far and different and i dont feel like i am comfortable in the house as im used to very modern newer houses, i feel me and my partner are going to be struggling money wise.. it is making me very depressed i am just sad all day and dread going home.. we can barely afford to go out on the weekends too..
    Also i have only been living in the house the past 4 days.. is this normal and will go away in time???
    I feel i miss my family also and they only live 10 kilometers away but i am used to living in the same suburb.
    Also i dont like being alone there i have to wait for my partner to get home.
    Can anyone help me out plz

  2. #2

    Re: Can someone please help me

    I have a question I need answered as truthfully and accurately as possible:

    Does the root of your anxiety lie in the thoughts you receive when you think "my dad is dead and my mums new boyfriend has moved in" ?

    not used to paying rent
    You haven't developed the habit of paying rent yet, but your looking at the likely-hood of becoming used to paying it in the future in a pessimistic way, ie negative thinking. Shift your outlook to a more positive one, ie an optimistic one, and your problems will begin to dissolve away.

    The worst thing you can do in life is doubt your potential to succeed. As long as you know the differences between right and wrong; you can succeed in anything you desire. This is the power of a positive outlook. The mental misery you experience now is the power of a negative outlook. The choice is yours.

    Thoughts become things.

    If you have further questions, please ask.
    [size=7]Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity[/size]



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