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  1. #1

    Hypochondria about sexual health? Anyone else?

    Hello all,

    It seems I have gotten myself into a rut this summer. I am constantly worried about my sexual health because about 2 years ago I was told that I may have chronic itching in my genital area after a bad yeast infection. The doctor could not really diagnose what was wrong, but now I think it was my guilt and worry that I had something serious wrong with me after hooking up with a very sleazy guy in a down point in my life. My last boyfriend really made me afraid of sex after attempting to force himself on me. I have been to the gyno many times and have tested negative for everything. Recently I have begun to get pains in my groin area and have been to several doctors, all of which told me it was a muscle pull or nerve pain. I still worry that the doctors are wrong and that I actually have HIV or something horrible after googling symptoms constantly. The worst part of it is that I feel as though I'm dying after I masturbate. My stomach starts to hurt and I get virus-like symptoms. I can't find any condition that would cause this and have not told anyone about it out of embarrassment and fear of sounding crazy.

    My last trip to the doctors over the worrying and new symptoms (nausea, vomiting one day, diarrhea the next, rapid heart beat, deliriousness, panicking about breathing, feeling like I'm dying, a drunken feeling while awake) led him to tell me that I have anxiety and I was put on medication for it. I constantly think I have different diseases and go from one to the next, mainly because I can't believe that these symptoms are just anxiety. I feel as though there must be something seriously wrong and that I couldn't possibly create these symptoms in my mind physically. Usually when I feel ill there is a physical cause for it. I feel as though I don't trust doctors and that they do not listen to me. So now I am battling panic attacks and evidently anxiety over my general health and sexual health and find no reassurance from doctors.Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    New Mexico
    I had a LOT of sexual health related anxiety a few weeks ago after being accused by an ex-fling of giving him HSV2 (the virus that causes genital herpes). I've always been extremely safe, and I've never had anything (other than the occasional yeast infection), and here he was bombarding me with accusations after testing positive for it supposedly following our encounter. This is a person I previously trusted VERY much, so to have him treating me that way was making me anxious enough, and I already had enough health anxiety about other things...the thought of having something like genital herpes really sent over the edge for a little while. O_O I was in a complete panic, even though I'd never had ANY reason to think I had something...no symptoms, outbreaks...nothing that would indicate that. Of course I contacted my primary right away and she sent me in for blood testing, and immediately scheduled a women's health exam...all results were negative. So I can definitely relate to how you are feeling. If you've been tested and everything is negative, I would venture to say that you have nothing to worry about. My best advice would be not to Google symptoms! It's just about the worst thing you can do...I know, I've been there...thanks to my overall anxiety and Google I turned into a raging hypochondriac, and thankfully managed to kick the habit when I realized how much unnecessary anxiety I was causing myself from that alone.



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