I really don't know how I can paint the full picture of what's goin on but, here it goes...
So my #1 dream in life has always been to have my own children. Even when I was small, before I had any career in mind, I knew that's what I wanted. When I reached age 10, I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome. In addition to making me gain a ton of weight, having insulin resistance, growing access facial and body hair,it also makes it very likely that I am infertile. From that time til now (I am 26 in Sept.) I can identify as being depressed, and having some anxiety, although the anxiety has been the frontrunner to the depression for the past 3 or 4 years.I recently read that the pcos can cause or worsen both of these conditions. The problem is I have always been functional to a certain extent, and had short periods in life were I was a little content but never happy. The past 3 years have been a downward spiral that I can't overcome. To keep it simple, I have been abandoned by my ex fiancee in los Angeles after moving from New Orleans which has felt like I don't belong here after katrina, lost a car and my apartment just a couple weeks apart, been date raped,my dog (who is my baby) has been crippled for 3 years, and most recently I lost my previous job in april, and 3 weeks ago, my boyfriend beat me up and threatened me, which broke my spirit most of all. Just last week I started a new job and I thought it would give me some hope, but I already feel like I have to force myself to carry on. I still think about the man that I loved so much everyday. I know I won't ever go back to him, I just can't get over what happened. He was the only real friend I hung out with and the rare moments of happiness were with him. Not only do I get random anxiety/panic attacks, I am always agitated, sad hopeless, can't understand how to be happy. In addition to the mental illness, I have physical pains and ailments that seem so unrelated that I think every doc I see thinks I'm a hypochondriac. Once again I recently read that the pcos can manifest a lot of physical pain or discomfort. I am at the end of my rope, how could someone be so unhappy for 16 years? I only have one friend I talked to on the phone regularly cuz she moved to another state and I miss her. Other than her, I find that I don't want to talk to anyone else. I wish I wanted to be social because I make friends so easily and my friends thought I was funny and they like me but I have a hard time reaching out and I think it cuz I don't want to bring others into my depression and I can't fake being happy. I have so many intrusive negative thoughts, nothing to look forward to in life and often feel like I can't keep dragging myself around. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I could ever kill myself, (scared to die, don't want to hurt family), but I get tired of living. If this pcos is causing or amplifying these issues, I feel like I can never get anyone to listen bc every doc I see dismisses it. I am so miserable, I guess I just needed to get things off my chest.