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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2013

    College Student Anxiety symptom Q!!

    Hey all,

    I am a college student who suffers from anxiety and I am doing a presentation on the three hardest/most debilitating/scariest symptoms of anxiety. I know what mine are, but I want to hear from others. Also, why are these your worst symptoms. For me, I hate the trembling because I feel like I am losing control of myself. I get dizzy and lightheaded and that only adds to my anxiety status and I absolutely hate that I cannot calm down and I feel like someone just shot me with a ton of adrenaline. I just hate losing control or not having control of my body.
    I will not use your username in my speech but I will be citing this site as a resource for anyone who is experiencing anxiety. I appreciate your feedback!!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    New Mexico
    I have to give you major props...I'm not even sure I'd be able to get through a presentation, let alone one dealing with my anxiety! It's funny, because I've done performing arts since the time I was little and that doesn't bother me, but standing up in front of a group by myself to give a presentation or speech or something...no way!

    At any rate, I think the scariest thing for me is the head sensations (my head feels heavy, like a bowling ball, and I get pressure in the back, mostly, but sometimes the top and front as well). I'm not sure why it freaks me out so much, but I hate it...or anything that makes me feel dizzy or disoriented. Other than that, feeling like I can't breathe, along with the heaviness and tightness in my chest, because I'm very claustrophobic. The third thing I would have to say is waking up with a start in the middle of the night with my heart pounding and feeling like I can't breathe.

    I wish there was a way to simulate a panic attack for someone who has never been through one. It's VERY difficult to explain or have someone understand if they've never experienced it themselves. I think a lot of people think someone having anxiety is over dramatizing things to make it seem worse than it actually is, but to me in reality it is so much worse than I can even describe!!

    Anyway, I though you might find this list useful for your project. I came across it when I was first dealing with my anxiety and it really helped me put the anxiety into perspective because it was when I realized just how much of what I was going through was related to anxiety!


  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2013
    I am doing this as a requirement for a class and I am hoping that by talking about something that I understand will make it easier. I am going to begin by making the class very uncomfortable with a long silence. I hope this will reduce my anxiety if everyone is anxious. Or it will increase it exponentially. We shall see.
    Thank you so much for your reply! I too wish that I could simulate a panic attack for others. Its horrible.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    New Mexico
    I'm not sure what the parameters of the project are, but is there a way you could write a really detailed description of a panic attack and read it to them? Something where you have them close their eyes and take them through a scenario, almost like a guided meditation, but to have them really hear and try to imagine first hand what it is like to experience one? An "imagine you are driving home from class and..." kind of thing? Just a thought. I also found this video..."9 Easy Steps to Simulate a Panic Attack"...which is actually kind of funny (it's with Grover from Sesame Street!): 1) Hold your breath as long as you can. 2) Shake your head back and forth for 30 seconds. 3) Tense every muscle in your body for one minute. 4) Stick your head between your knees for 30 seconds and then lift it really fast. 5) Step up and down on a stool repeatedly for one minute. 6) Hyperventilate for one minute. 7) Spin in a swivel chair for one minute. 8) Stare at yourself in the mirror for two minutes until you experience a sense of unreality. 9) Breath through a straw.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Scariest for me by far are the chest pains



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