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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    I am new to this site and have been dealing with anxiety all of my life, so I can definitely relate to everyone on this site. I am one of those sufferers who refuses to be on antidepressants (although I am about ready to give in), but do take Xanax and beta blockers if I feel I will have an anxious episode or panic attack (this is probably 6times a year). I probably drink more than I should, and am working on that, and have not been to a therapist for this in years (probably because the last ones were worthless-I actually new more than they did about anxiety disorders...uggghhh)!!! Anyhow, my question to the women on this site is, I fear getting pregnant and not being able to take the previously mentioned medications if I am going to be in a panic-sticken situation. I love my job, but cannot believe I am in the line of work that I am because of my anxiety (I am in sales, love dealing with people and customers, but fear meetings because of presentations, etc.). These presentations are in front of anywhere from 40-100 people. I get such anticipatory anxiety that I cannot even function for weeks before. Being pregnant, to me, would be the worst situation when I am at these meetings and I fear telling my boss. I want to be a mother, but also fear I will pass my anxiety on to my children which would be severely devastating. Can anyone help? Has anyone been pregnant and feared having anxiety during the 9 months that we cannot take any meds? Thanks for sharing!

  2. #2
    WOW I never thought about that. Having an anxiety attack while your pregnant hmmm I don't know cuz Im not a girl but it sounds scary.

  3. #3
    I too feel exactly as you do stressd. I suffer with waves of anxiety that started with full blown panic attacks in August 2007. I have undoubtedly had anxiety my whole life--just at different levels at different times. I was never really AWARE of what it was until recently. Anyhow, I have been married to a wonderful man for almost 3 years now, and I am scared to death about the thought of becoming pregnant, let alone being a mother with this anxiety (and maybe pass it on to my child). I have never felt this afraid before, mainly because I know that I am terrified of being on antidepressants (sensitive to drugs) and know that in the event I have a panic attack during the 9 months of pregnancy I probably wouldn't be able to take a prn for my anxiety. I don't want to avoid becoming a parent forever. Don't feel alone, I am totally with you. I hope time will eventually lessen the effects of the anxiety. It would be nice to know if others have any tips or advice, having gone through this same situation.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Well I have had 2 children and my worst anxiety began when I was pregnant with my first. It was not related to being anxious about having children but I think the stress of the life change triggered it. Anyway, I now have 2 children, the eldest is 4, and he shows all the signs of having my personality - i.e. neurotic, prone to anxiety and worry. I was mortified for him and it makes me really sad to think that he might suffer like me, but since starting self-help I realise that just because he has the same hard wiring as me, he doesn't have to go on to become like me. I must strive to teach him to be positive from the beginning, that he must face his fears (as I have never done), and that he must make a little bit more effort than 'normal' people to be brave in social situations.

    Anyway, anxiety whilst pregnant was bad to start with but then you get so busy getting ready for the baby you kind of forget to be anxious. I did hypnosis CDs and massage to calm me down.



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