Hi everyone. I started taking Zoloft (50 mg) in March for generalized anxiety. I had been on this med. for 3 years (2009-2012) and had very good results with no side effects. This time, upon starting the med. I started to feel the med. working within about a week but then it was hit or miss for the following three weeks. I had a follow-up appointment with my doctor and she suggested increasing to 100 mg. since I wasn't fully rid of all of the anxiety symptoms. I have been taking 100 mg/day in the mornings for almost three full weeks. Initially I felt like the "on edge" feeling had diminished but for the past four days I have felt increased anxiety again although not even close to as bad as before I was taking the med. Is this normal after increasing the dosage? How long can I expect the "roller coaster" of symptoms where there are stretches of major relief and then a day or two of setback? Any feedback/advice is welcomed! Thanks, all!