First off, this isn't an easy thing for me to do. With that being said though, I figured I would join and give this a shot. I'm 22 years old and have had anxiety for about 4-5 years now. For the most part I would say the medication I was originally started on really helped me get through first 4 years to the point to where I was convinced I didn't have an issue with it anymore. Until quite recently. My meds where down the lowest they have ever been and when I decided to call of a relationship, all the anxiety came flooding back. We got back together and the anxiety seemed to die down, however we called it quits again and my anxiety sparked. Have had my medication increased and am thinking about going back on another medication I started with (mirtazipine) to help me stable out but I also feel that the more meds im on the weaker I am. I honestly don't think i've accepted my anxiety yet. Like I know I have it but I don't know if I've accepted it if that makes any sense. My biggest fear is a combination of change and the future. I am definitely a Murphy's Law type thinker (anything that can go wrong will). I've had my fair share of some pretty crazy intrusive thoughts about the future. I want to control this my self but that seems like its going to be impossible. Hopefully, interacting with people that have anxiety will help me realize that this isn't a life sentence.

Thank you for reading!