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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Natural Supplements

    I'm posting this because someone else mentioned this in a forum and it's changed my life. I've suffered with AD for over 40 years and last November read in a forum like this, that someone had success with BioSuperfood f2 formula. I have tried many supplements with no success and was very skeptical. I've been in counseling, used acupuncture, meditation, you name it - I've tried it. Reluctantly, I ordered the product (which is not cheap) and was going to try this one last supplement before talking to my doc about some Rx meds. I was at the end of my rope. I was having attacks constantly and my life was no fun. My job performance was declining and I was having a hard time concentrating. After taking the first dose (1 capsule), I felt a little light headed, which, of course scared me but I stuck with taking one capsule a day for the first 3 days and then started to increase the dose by 1 capsule a day until I was taking 5/day. I had a slight headache the first few days which was made better by drinking more water. I supposed it could be attributed to the heavy metal detox that was happening in my body. After the second day, I started noticing I had a feeling that was missing in my life for so long. It was a sense of well-being. These are more of a food than a supplement and have absolutely no side effects. The only thing negative comment I've ever heard was from a guy who took a couple on an empty stomach and complained that it burned. I have a sensitive stomach and take them before meals all the time and have never had a problem. So here I am several months later and I'm still finding almost total relief of my symptoms. I am also meditating once a day and getting plenty of sleep and both of those seem to help as well.

    I am not in any way being compensated for these remarks and have no association with the company that makes this product. If these supplements help even one person the way they've helped me, it's been worth my time to write this post. By the way, my wife and daughter both take this product for the other health benefits. I now order them through vitamin donkey for the lowest price. I wish all of you who suffer the very best, I've been there and I know what you go through each day.

    And one favor please, if you decide to take the BioSuperfood and it helps, please help another.
    Last edited by Alexi; 03-20-2013 at 04:05 PM.



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