For me, anxiety inflicts a sense of absolute isolation when it hits. All rational thought goes out the window. It can only be described as a truly awful feeling.
These are the extreme times. Anxiety seems also to be able to creep up, and quietly linger, without me being aware of it's presence until much later. It can ruin occasions that should be enjoyable, and can make day to day unpleasantness absolutely unbearable. It's ridiculous, and I'm determined to deal with it. In the past few years, diaphragmatic breathing has been a god send to me, as has the discovery of mindfulness based meditation and CBT techniques (learned from books mostly). I'd be interested to see what other people have to say about these topics.

The only thing I can say for certain is that anxiety is something that can never be destroyed completely, but it can be dealt with. For me anyway. And all the claims on the internet to "remove anxiety FAST" are a contradiction in terms. It should be dealt with nice and slowly, as the tortoise said to the hare.

That's what I think anyway. What I don't know could fill a warehouse. I'm moving to a new city soon, and starting my first "proper" job. I'm absolutely terrified.
The anxiety is there bubbling up from beneath me. I can feel it creeping up. I'm determined not to let it over power me anymore though.