Has anyone here been through or know of anyone going through councilling at 8 years old? My little cousin is already in councilling for stress and eating disorders... WTF HES 8!!!!!!!! Please help im so worried about him. Hes shouldnt be going through the crap at 8 years old he should be happy! His life isnt hard whatsoever... Hows he going to cope when hes older... hes never going to make it through life in this world like this... please help its sending my stress wild!! this isnt fair to him why should he be dealing with this s*** at 8? I mean come on what the hell is this world coming to that a child can suffer a dam eating disorder and stress and anxiety disorder....
Ive heard it can be generic I hope it wasn't my fault(((((((
Help... i just want to curl up in a ball a cry my heart out for him.... someone please help...