hi i am 19 yrs old, I have dealt with anxiety and depression since I was 12, have been on medication since 12 as well. recently I took myself off of all of my medications because I felt 'numb' and I wanted to see if i could be independant without them. i also wanted to join the coast guard and they wont let you if you are on any medications. it was then i discovered i have a lot of emotional and personal issues that i must deal with through counseling which i believe my medications have 'hid' from me in the past 7 yrs. anyways, i am back on my medications now but i have acquired agoraphobia.. i havent left my house in 3 months except to go to my counseling appointments, i lost my job, my boyfriend, my car, and most of my friends... my medications arent working and i just want my life back. i have let anxiety rule over me for too long, i feel like a bird without wings... with every potential to fly but i can't leave the ground. i want my future, i want to go to college, i want my job back. i pray daily for strength and guidance and security, but i still suffer daily. doesn't anybody have any answers?!?