
I'm new here obviously, but have suffered from anxiety pretty much my whole life and was only officially diagnosed with GA last year. I have trouble making new friends and when I do it takes forever for me to just get over there to introduce myself. Maintaining the friendship is hard too. I am always alone and more and more everyday I find that I would rather be around people even though larger groups are uncomfortable for me at times. Right now I'm trying to figure out what it is that I want to do for a career. I keep changing my mind because I have no faith in myself and I don't know what I can do or can't do. Even when I take personality tests or career tests, I don't know if my answers really ring true or if I just have no idea who I am because of the lack of social experience. It's so frustrating. Rrr! I hope there are people in similar situations like me so I can get some tips and whatnot....

Anyways, nice to meet you guys! Haha!