I was giving Paxil (10mg) by my doctor in 2001. It worked. I had no problems but weight gain. I was also giving Xanax (.50mg) for any stressing moments. I would go through 30 pills in a year so I rarely used it. I stop using Paxil during the most stressful time in my life. In Feb 2011 I lost my mother to cancer, my daughter graduated high school in May 2011, I got married in June 2011 and took on a Team Lead position at my job in Nov. 2011. During this time I didn't need or take Paxil I took Xanax once in a while if I couldn't sleep. Lately I have been having anxiety/panic attacks. I hate this feeling (tired, sleepy, cant eat, nervous). My family looks at me as being the "backbone" of the family. I'm always taking care of everyone. I'm always making sure everyone is happy. I think it has taken a toll on me. I never told my husband I take Paxil for anxiety, he knows about the Xanax cause I call them my "chill pills".
I dont like the weight gain with Paxil. Should I ask my doctor for something different?
What meds are working for you?
Does anyone else take Xanax with an another anti-depressant?

Sorry for the typos.