I think that one reason I'm such an anxious person, especially about things I've done in the past, is because all my life, I've been made to feel ashamed of myself by bullies. I've been made fun of, mocked and rejected by people just because of my interests, so now I've developed anxiety in which I often feel ashamed of myself, all because some stupid pricks couldn't stand the fact that some people are different to them. They're so stupid that different is scary to them, they threatened by different, so they mock it and reject, never even thinking about how I felt, because they were too stupid and selfish to just leave me be. That would be too hard for their pathetically stupid brains to comprehend, and now I'm the one suffering, all because they couldn't just piss off and leave me alone. They're not suffering, which they should be for what they did to me and so many others. They're happy, they're getting on in life. Me, I'm an anxious wreck, stuck at home until I hopefully get the grades required to go to college. Why does life favor stupid, petty, pathetic wankers who never did anything to deserve happiness, and leave everyone who did good in their life behind to suffer.