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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Ardmore, OK

    Unhappy Brain Tumor!? Freaking out!

    I'm really freaking out! I already posted a thread on my symptoms, but this is a bit different. I have almost COMPLETELY convinced myself I have a brain tumor. All the symptoms match up to mine. My headaches (back right side, fore-head, and both temples), dual-vision (sometimes at night), fatigue, etc. Today, at school I decided to exercise, figuring it may help with my problems. I did so, but then I started feeling a bit weird in my vision. I didn't know why! Then I sat down and started feeling really tired, like I could fall asleep right there. (I am a very skinny teen. Way out of shape)

    Also, I twitch. Lately, the following areas have been twitching a little:
    Top right side of head.
    lower front of the neck area...

    It is really freaking me out. I have had anxiety since July of 2011, and as I stated previously, we have no money, my dad says it is all in my head and my mom tells me constantly I need to get a grip.

    *EDIT* I apologize if I am annoying anybody or sounding like a lunatic...
    Last edited by abductodude; 02-02-2012 at 04:49 PM.



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