I am 19, and I'm pretty sure I have Social Anxiety disorder.
I cannot do 'normal' things, that everyone else does!
No one understands me, my parents tell me 'It's just your confidence', but I'm certain it's more than that!

Everyone thinks I'm lazy, cause I don't have a job currently, but I cannot face the interview, and know I will fail. - Life's a constant depression battle for me, but everyone thinks I have it easy.

I haven't been to my gp about this, but I can't, I don't know what to do? I don't want them to laugh at me, tell me what I'm saying is a joke! - Everyone else seems to think I'm making this up!

Throughout school I struggled, it affected my grades, my attendance was bad, I struggled to make friends, and now I have none.

I do however, have a boyfriend, he doesn't seem to understand either. I have tried so hard to talk to him about it, he doesn't like me telling him.

Although all this is going on, I do have a goal, I want to go to university to study mental health. Because of what I suffer from, It's made me want to help others! The downside of it is, that I'm not sure I'll get there. I need help, but I don't know how!?