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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    EU Empire

    Acting as / impersonating someone else?

    As a result of my social anxiety and complications which I had when communicating with people, I started to imitate people who were socially skilled and likable , and I practiced it to the extent of which it didn't even require effort for me to act as the person that I started to imitate in the first place, I did it for years and I almost as if came that personality which I had been impersonating.... And yes, it has helped me a lot in social situations. It has made me a lot more confident and almost feel like I have no responsibility over myself anymore since I am not my true self anymore in social situations.

    So is this normal or how can it actually affect my mental health? I practice this very strictly and 100% of the time when I am in social situations, I am not my true self anymore.

    I think I've been trying to imitate the "cool kids" since I became a teen, but then I really couldn't "pull it off" as I didn't really understand what I was doing... but for the last year or so, I have been impersonating that character so much and to such a large extent that it has completely changed myself, I am now almost like the character that I was impersonating really is.

    It actually is a little bit demanding to the brain when in every single social situation you think like "what would (insert person here) do". I guess it is common to act that way since many kids try to be like their idols or so... but I have taken this to a really great extent.

    And just for the record - the character that I am impersonating truly is an awesome personality and therefor worth impersonating.
    Last edited by Skizo; 08-30-2011 at 01:20 PM.



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