I started suffering from anxiety a few months ago and it only seems to be getting worse :/ Recently, i've been having very anxious thoughts and i think i may be a hypochondriac. I've broken down crying thinking that I won't wake up in the morning or that my heart will just stop, as i suffer from anxiety-related(i think) chest pains (i'm only 16) ... Also, i've always had a strong fear of death which makes me have panic attacks almost every day.

In a few days i will be attendinga family funeral, it's important that I go but i am very worried as it is not a good place to be for someone who thinks things like this :/ If i begin to panic i will feel stuck and think i have nowhere to go except just to sit and let it pass ..

Any advice on things i can do to relax or train my brain not to think too much about these things? Also the chest pains and the physical symptoms (restricted breathing) are a big contribution to the panic so anything that would make me not as anxious would be a really big help!

Hope this made sense
Marzy .