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Thread: I need to vent

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    United States

    Unhappy I need to vent

    Hello. I hope there are others who share a similar story as mine on these forums. I have had social anxiety problems ever since I was a young child. At first, growing up I was fine but very hyper and had quite a few friends. As I got older, around 6th grade or so, my parents got divorced, and this is when my anxiety rocketed sky-high. Before middle school I was always a little sensitive, and got easily upset. I was diagnosed with aspergers syndrome, but people always tell me they think I don't have it. I was very confused, being with divorced parents and learning about this new "disease" I thought I had, along with being teased so many years for being socially awkward. I have had anger problems in the past, and even remembered wanting to hurt others who bothered me, although I could never bring myself to do it. My pent up anger and confusion made me feel hopeless, but today Ive become so used to it. That doesn't really help though, I just feel like I never really connected with the right people and got everything off my chest. I have an inferiority complex and I have very little to no self esteem. I feel weak and stupid. This makes me hate the world sometimes, and not want any part of it.

    Edit: I'm 21 now but I can't seem to shake these horrible feelings. :/
    Last edited by Awkward; 04-18-2011 at 08:13 PM.



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