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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    My first post so can I feel as ill as this because of anxiety???

    Hi everybody,
    Here is my story....I feel really down right now, Just hope someone can help and maybe agree that it is anxiety????
    I am 56, been in good general health all my life but have always been a worrier. I remember many years ago I went through the 'I can't swallow ' thing but got over that OK in time. I am a musician and I do perform even though I have always got quite nervous before a show.
    I worked for many years with my father who passed away a few months ago....we were very close and now my Mother relies on me a lot for support.
    I have to spend quite a bit of time off and on overseas for my music career and I feel guilty leaving her and my wife in England (my wife is OK about everything) and it was while I was there that I had a panic attack. Previous to that I had some sort of virus which effected my asthma and was on antibiotics which did not seem to help. Was left with a dry cough and feeling of being out of breath.
    Anyway while away I had to go to the emergency dept. I could not breathe, came over hot...was sweating shaking...felt like I was dying. They checked me out....heart Ok...lungs clear, but still a bit of a temperature. They said it must be panic and gave me a vallium which I did not take. I did calm down.
    After that I kept getting short of breath in the evenings and not feeling good. Was shaking a lot and kept getting hot flushes on and off.
    Back here in England I drove to my doctors and had all the same symptoms during the drive....short of breath, panic, numb fingers, hot face. In the surgery he checked me out said my lungs were perfect and said for sure that I had anxiety. He gave me some diazapam to take if I needed it. From that time I have felt so so stressed. Was even stressed about taking the diazapam, but I have taken some and it does take the edge off these feelings. I sleep mostly OK and wake up feeling fine, but after a while those butterfly feelings start in my stomach and I get the symptoms.
    The symptoms have changed a bit now....I am not so short of breath and the cough I get with that has about gone, but now I have stomach problems...indigestion acid, also muscle aches and I feel so tired all the time. I get fluttering in my chest as well. Sometimes I still feel short of breath and my face goes red and I feel like I should stretch every muscle in my body...chest as well.
    I have gone on long fast walks and that does not tire me or make me feel out of breath so I am sure the doctor is right in saying my lungs are clear. Have been back to him and he still says it is anxiety and he wants me to go to a anxiety help course, but I worry so much that it is more. it seems I have the classic symptoms but I do not know how to get out of it and I feel so ill most of the time lately.
    Thanks for listening and any help is appreciated. I will look at some other posts now...thanks again, KevinJ
    Last edited by KevinJ; 04-16-2011 at 10:31 AM.



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