
Just joined this today to see if i could try to get other people's opinions and idea's on my situation. I have been suffering from having a fear of eating in public spaces for quite a while now, maybe for about 4 or 5 years, for a while it did go away and i started to improve, but now things seem to be getting worse again. I don't usually like the idea of eating in public spaces for the fear of being sick, feeling sick, not feeling hungry and the people i'm with thinking im stupid or anorexic for not wanting to eat (i am quite a skinny person), or the fear of having an anxiety attack. Not only this but i get anxious about these fears, so its like being anxious for being anxious if that makes sense. I really hate feeling like this because it is starting to stop me from wanting to go out for meals with my friends, family and even my boyfriend. These are the people i should feel the most comfortable eating around, and yet i still manage to get really anxious about these situations. I feel really bad that i have been with my boyfriend for nearly 5 months and have not once been for a meal with him. This is just another example of where my anxiety dominates my life. I really hate it. I almost dread these situations and try to find ways of getting out of them just so to avoid being anxious. When i get anxious i feel like i can't eat anything, and now since i am becoming more and more anxious about situations i am worried i will become anorexic. Now i think i am probably on the verge of being an anorexic. I don't want to be like this for the rest of my life, i don't want this to dominate what i do in life, because i know that it shouldn't. I just don't really know what to do to try to get over this anxiety - it has been with me for so long that i find it hard to get over it. Does anyone else feel like they are in the same situation as me? At the moment i feel like i am the only one in the world who feels this way :/

I really need some advice....