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Thread: Dave's Dairy

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  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Watching day 22 ... my word, hard to believe its been this long and you look good despite the illness (hopefully virus will run its course and get out of your body) . Yeah, gonna try to enjoy the parts of Christmas like the lights and scents.

    Those are amazing needlepoint pictures, I never did anything that big. Still watching and going to edit while I watch.

    Yeah, "human" **hurl** people are robots now and nobody is real so hard to find just people that are real. We all have issues and those that pretend to be normal are the worst kind.

    Now I'm getting emotional .. you're so very welcome and I'm happy to support you. No need to thank me, I'm nothing special and no saint. Just glad the timing was there at this time in this strange world in this time.

    You're doing a great job and unscripted and you speak very well and it so VERY refreshing to see this.

    OK ... going to have to watch a bit later and you are now talking about age and I do want to hear about this. Into the vid 23:57 and will enjoy later tonight.

    So on that, I also want to thank you for your friendship and your support. Cherished and never taken for granted


    PS: had to just watch a few more seconds, and, yes, there are so many robots and puppets playing this silly game all to fit in with the competition to fit in or even blend. The kids today are at risk of losing themselves completely and I wish I could stop it and grab them and shake them. I do understand though, hard to be genuine in this disingenuous, disproportionate, confusing world. People try to mold themselves and do it for so long that I think they actually forget whom they actually are. I tried when I was younger, I admit it, but now, 50 is getting closer and I am not interested at all in fitting in. just inspired there and need to write that. Darn need to write more but lost my though (this happens and I get muddled)

    Oh well, no biggie, will pace around a bit and more will come today.
    Last edited by salvator here; 12-17-2021 at 10:38 AM.



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