My name is Sam Ivey

I'm an 18 year old male who in the last year has encountered a high level of anxiety

I suppose a lot of this anxiety has built up from unfortunate events such as my father's attempt on his life and generally depressive mannerisms. But I feel that the wider impacts of this have been very damaging to my mental well being. As a result of bullying in high school etc. I admit I've always been a bit of a self loather but more recently I've been plagued frustrating obsessive thoughts that don't seem to go away and get gradually more destructive. As you can imagine this is not a very good thing to have going for you heading into A level examinations so any advice that could be given would be greatly appreciated. If I were to describe myself I would say that I'm a friendly person who is always up for friendly conversation and wouldn't mind talking with anyone in the same boat as me so feel free to message should you wish to.

Thanks all for reading!