Another thing I love about the site: they have several different therapists. You can pick your therapist (all who have lengthy biographies on the site that list what they went through when they had the disorder) and meet with them on the phone or through Skype. I see my therapist on Skype from the comfort of my home.

My brain fog is lifting and my insane fatigue, depersonalization, and strange tingling sensations in my feet are starting to go away. I finally have accepted, after all these years, that I'm not going crazy and there isn't some mysterious underlying medical cause that the doctors have missed. I don't go to "Dr. Google" anymore. I'm not saying I'm completely there yet or dont struggle sometimes, but I'm truly starting to get there. Month by month, I am seeing genuine progress, even though it's not as fast as I'd like it to be (we anxious personalities are often impatient). I feel better than I ever have in these four years of hell, and in some ways, I feel better than I did BEFORE I developed this disorder. It's been the most eye-opening experience of my life.

Also, please understand that I am not an employee of the site trying to advertise to generate revenue. I am simply someone who understands what it's like to be deep in the pit of anxiety disorder, and I want to show you (and others) a resource that can help them to overcome this horrible disorder. I know how much I would've loved for someone to tell me about this resource when I was at my worst.

Please do yourself a favor and check the site out. Its changed my life, and in time, it may change yours too. You have nothing to lose, but a whole lot to gain!

- Jordan