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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Wife of Man with Panic Attacks: Please help me understand

    Hi All,

    I'm new to this forum and need significant help.

    My husband has been suffering from panic attacks for about 15 years now. I've been in his life for about 2-3 of them. He now has them several times a month (or sometimes per day). Also complicating matters, he has OCD tendencies.

    We have been having some major issues lately in our relationship. We have a lot of challenging factors at play, along with the fact that there are times that I suffer from anxiety as well.

    Most importantly, my husband says I give him panic attacks... I'm not sure what to think of this. Honestly, I feel like all I try to do at times is resolve normal married relationship issues and somehow it escalates into this major fight...and boy, does he say some truly horrible things to me without any remorse or apology.

    What is happening here? What can I do? Is it really me contributing to his anxiety, or is it his anxiety (and OCD) prompting an abnormal reaction?

    He's seeing a therapist now, so that's good. But his family has often talked to me about their concerns...his obsession with buying expensive items, lack of healthy priorities, and inability to manage normal life challenges, etc.

    Please help.
    Last edited by BeBrave; 10-24-2016 at 09:48 AM.



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