Hi all -

Anyone out there on/ever tried Lexapro (Cipralex)?
In a nut shell, I've had anxiety/panic/agoraphobia for 14 years (I'm 26), and the past few months it's been just AWFUL. I had the worst panic attack of my life at work and haven't been back since (2 months ago), I have anxiety doing pretty much everything now, even when I'm at home (which has always been my safe place) I get anxiety and these bouts where I feel like I'm going INSANE.
Never in my life have I been able to do anything I want (aka I've never really been on a trip, never been on a plane in my adult life, can't do road trips, etc).
I need to do something.
I've never tried medication, but I have now been prescribed Lexapro. I am terrified of the side effects, terrified of taking a drug that affects the brain, and terrified of one day trying to get off it and being worse off than I am now (withdrawal side effects, etc).
I've also read articles that say these medications don't even work.
I'm just at a huge loss here. I don't know what to do. But I need my life back. I don't even think I've ever had my life.
Has anyone had any success or relief from taking this medication? Were the side effects horrible?