I'm not sure this is a sign of benzo taper or not but...
My anxiety is generally under control. I'm down to about 0.7 mg of valium twice daily. I've been at this dose for a couple of weeks. I was just over 10mg about 9 months ago. Nearly two months ago I noticed that my muscles would get extremely tired after what would be some rather light physical activity.

And by tired, I mean that I would feel wobbly and shaky. If I do pushups, I would start shaking after 5 instead of 25. If I did ab planks, I would start shaking at 15 seconds instead of 60 seconds. If I had to hold my nephew, my arms would get so tired and heavy so fast. I just did a 25 minute bike ride and my entire body felt kind of weak and heavy and my hands and fingers were quite tremulous. I do not feel sleepy tired at all or anxious when I have these symptoms. But sometimes I am somewhat unsteady. This seems to only be brought on by physical activity and I've never had symptoms like this in my life or really at any point in the taper. Sounds familiar to anyone?

I know benzo withdrawal and tapering can sometimes look like neuro issues so I appreciate any feedback...