Thanks Dahila, I'll remember this when I meditate again. I know what you are saying though and expecting unrealistic results or expecting a 'quick fix' defeats the whole purpose and not at all what it about.

Thanks Ponder for you detailed guide for meditation. I am simply blown away by your posting for me and I have printed it to read another time when I can really focus on that. Sadly, I've been dissociating lately (I must stay offline when this happens) and find it hard to do anything but sleep. I did read the entire tutorial and 2 things jumped out at me right away that really makes sense. "Meditation can be as short as one minute" and "Meditation is more about being aware rather than in some state of trance". I needed to hear those 2 things, because I was getting hung up on both. So even if I feel it was a benefit for only few minutes, I'll be happy.

Again, thanks for taking the time to go into so much detail for me, and I'll try to not get as frustrated with it now.