Hi everybody! This is Tamy. I'm 28 years old and have been suffering from anxiety for more than 10 years now. I've been on and off Lexapro during all this time. Last time I was on that pill was like 6 months ago. I was feeling great until a few weeks ago when I started experiencing symptoms that led me to have a full panic attack at work (I was working in an oil rig, in the middle of nowhere, which made everything even worse). Now I'm back home, on clonazepam and Lexapro again, like I was 10 years ago. It's really frustrating for me because I though I had made a progress during all these years.

I decided to join this forum because I have no one to talk about these things (beside my psychologist), and I also want to learn from your experiencies and techniques on how to overcome anxiety since I don't know anyone suffering from these disorders.