Hello, i just joined this forum to see if I can get some input on some things.

I have had an increasing level of anxiety for several months now and since at this point it has become clear that I need outside help to fix it I started seeing a psychologist as of yesterday. The primary question I have right now has to do with how I should interact in the sessions to find and fix the issues I have been having. Before finding a psychologist, I had done a lot of research online and I suspect that I have some form of OCD as was hinted at by several people I have been close to for a few years. Going into my first session I found myself very anxious that my self-diagnosis may not be accurate so I was attempting to avoid letting the psychologist know about it, to do this I am analyzing everything I say to prevent myself from using words, phrases, or mentioning things that I feel are biased towards my self-diagnosis. Because of all the self-monitoring I am getting pretty anxious during the session and feel like I may be leaving out information that could be important.

After my first session yesterday, the psychologist did not give me a diagnosis though he kind of hinted that I am dealing with "an obsessive style" and that I seem to have "compulsions", but I don't really know what to think of that. I do not want to bias his opinion with either too much or too little information and I do not want to ask what he thinks is going on partly because I do not entirely want to know (ignorance is a painful bliss), and partly because he may have a very good reason for not saying definitively. Is my self-diagnosis something I should mention, and if so then is there a specific way I should mention it? I feel like I should say more than I am but I am worried about it. When I left I made a second appointment next week and rejected a written appointment time because I did not want to lose it and let it be found by someone else, but I am at this point not quite sure that I remember the time correctly; I want to ask him to confirm the time I have, but I am preventing myself from doing so since he might view it as 'checking' and it might bias him. I get that this actually is a checking behavior and this argument in my head is driving me crazy right now.

I realize this is probably not the correct place to put this thread but I am not familiar with this site yet and am trying to find answers quickly. If anyone has some input it is appreciated, and if I did not explain clearly then I can clarify.

So the questions I have are:

* Should I mention my self-diagnosis
* Should I ask for a confirmation on the appointment time or try to trust that I did put in the correct time.

Help is appreciated.