I have suffered from Anxiety for around 6 years, and for a short time i was completely cured of the thoughts. At the beginning of the year the anxiety slowly started to return. From then each month it gets worse and worse. Worse than it ever was years ago. A few months ago I started to have Anxiety attacks but this past one week ago today I made my first trip to the Emergency room because I was woken up from dead sleep with a pounding heart rate. The anxiety overwhelmed me and I felt like I just needed help. I should say that the type of Anxiety that I have is health related or also called cardiophobia. I am terrified that I am going to have a heart attack and my heart will just stop at any moment without provocation. I have never been told I have a problem. When my anxiety started i would check my pulse a few times a day. The days grew longer, and the number of times I check greatly increased Now I check it approx. 75-150 times a day depending how my day is going. My resting heart rate is normal for my gender and age at around 75-78bpm. Now that I have had my worst panic attack one week ago to date I have been having trouble sleeping because of the kind of panic attack I had. I have done some research and It seams to have been a nocturnal panic attack. Ever since that night when I nap (because my new meds make me incredibly tired) or when I sleep I get woken up just hours after I got to sleep to an increased heart rate. I know that I am doing it to myself because I am fearful that it is happening again. Last night I was still up a few times throughout the night my was not scared and had a heart rate in the normal resting range. I am hoping this is a sign that things are starting to look up. I am terrified of Doctor's so last week I made a decision that I needed help, and that I couldn't live my life like this anymore. So I went and got me a few prescriptions, and a checkup. I have a follow-up in a couple days to make sure the meds are doing okay. I am looking at making a therapy appointment soon to talk about some ways to help me adjust. I am open to suggestions on how to combat this anxiety, and looking for others who share the same problem.