Hey there!
I have GAD with the fear of going crazy, and it took over my life in 2014. I was prescribed 10mg of Prozac at the end of September last year, and it has helped immensely. I find that every now and then I start to fall back into my old habits of listening intently for "voices" or if I hear something like a bang and I can't find the source I start to worry I made it up and it's a hallucination. I'm worrying about that right now. Can anyone help me calm down? Is anyone else going through this? I had to mute the TV because I kept getting worried I was hearing stuff when there was a lot of noise going on. I have a day like this every month or so. Maybe a couple times a month. I hate this. My mom is going away for the weekend and I think I'm just a little anxious about that and it's causing me to worry. I'm not sure. Please help.