i got diangosed with anxiety , not on medication, a little depressed,i handle it as best as i can but...
i have cognitions troubles...i misplace things, sometimes can't do simple mental math, i feel distracted at times. i discover mistakes i make at work (numbers related) and soon have a panic attack , thinking i have dementia or somthing (i'm in my 30s) and beleve me, it happens a lot !!

i have moments during the day i feel spaced out, but calm. that's my main concern, that these situations happen when i feel calm, not worrying about anything...when we panic , none of us can think strait, i understand that, but i seem to not realise making these mistakes when i am calm and focused.i can't put situations together, must have someone to remind me stuff , answers to questions i already know...

any of you feel the same? do i need to get further tested? is it serotonin related because of the anxiety ? please share your experience, maybe we find common ground so i have somewhere to start . thank you !