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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    PLEASE HELP!! I don't ever feel tired- Derealization?

    Hello everyone, I'm sorry to be so abrupt in my intro but I've only just started suffering from a bout of pretty severe anxiety and feel I need some further relief/support. Basically I used to get stressed by very small things, encounters with people that may even be great friends and playing soccer. At first I thought I was overtraining because I'm an avid soccer player but sometimes I push myself WAY too hard. Sorry if I sound vague or confusing but I'm just wondering if anxiety and constant non stop stress can cause an eventual feeling of almost complete numbness? This began with feeling constant stress every day and after a few weeks it's like my brain has decided to stop 'feeling' everything and is on permanent flight or fight. I don't even know when I'm feeling discomfort (I know that sounds weird). I mean even when I exercise I CANNOT feel tired properly, it's like my brain has forgotten to let me know when I should stop exercising. The world feels empty, emotionless and now I'm scared because I'm not sure if this can all be caused by anxiety and I just feel so clogged up, numb and scared to exercise because of these horribly numb feelings. Can anxiety cause numbing and derealization to the point of actually not even being able to feel tired when exercising?
    Last edited by Freddyville; 03-24-2015 at 06:27 AM.



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