This is my first time ever going on a forum, a friend told me to check out forums awhile back and I've decided to. So my whole life I've dealt with anxiety, I went to a doctor about 3 weeks ago and now I have medicine for anxiety, it just seems that everything keeps getting worse. My friends don't understand what I'm going through. I'm afraid to talk about it too. No one gets that this is more than a little bit of stress from time to time, it's just so hard to explain that I haven't been normal my whole life and I now realize how bad it's gotten. So I guess I'm seeking advice or even just someone who understands me because it just feel like no one does. My parents try to read me like a book, my friends just say that it'll get better and I'm scared that it won't. I can't even look my best friend in the eyes because I'm afraid of the monster inside of me that he'll see. I'm scared to be honest. My anxiety attacks have become common occurrences and I'm always afraid another one will strike. Any advice or kind words would be appreciated, I feel pretty alone in this right now.