Hi everybody, I've posted a few times on here but something has recently been happening for probably the past month or two. I used to have social phobia (I still do), I don't like interacting with people I don't know, I can't keep a conversation, afraid of rejection, etc. But, I've been pushing myself to hangout with people little by little. Anyway, I have this best friend, let's call him K. K and I just have a blast hanging out whether it's watching movies, TV, driving around the city, etc. but lately he's been convincing swim to do drugs. Nothing hard-core, but swim tried mushrooms and molly, last night swim mixed 2mg Klonopin (RX not illegal or off streets), with 2 lines of molly and 3 beers. Swim felt great, was having a great time with his friend K. Swim drove home drunk last night, everything was fine, even though he knows he shouldn't have done it. But to the point, has anyone ever woken up after a great night (sober or not) and just felt so depressed and anxious? K is moving to FL in a few months and I'm going to miss my best friend so much, every time I think about it I want to just cry. Also, whenever K and I hangout, I wake up in the morning feeling so depressed and sad (we've usually been drinking the night before but I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it). I've also been getting really attached to people way too easily. Recently went through a break up of a 2 year relationship (3 months ago) so I'm not sure if that's also why.

I've been self medicating with my Rx K-Pins (RX 1.5mg / day) (I'm taking 2mg / day) + nightly vape of weed + alcohol a night or two a week. I feel like my life is just going down the wrong path. I cut off all of my meds except K-Pin since I'm switching Dr.'s and the meds made me feel sick. Is there anyone else out there who has ever felt the same as far as waking up feeling depressed and anxious? I'm afraid for my future but I don't want to go back to sitting at home every night and losing my best friend. :cry: