Hi... first post. I just couldn't even get out of bed this morning. I constantly feel like im drowning or the walls are closing in on me. My dreams are now nightmares and I feel so alone.

The problem is, I have an amazing life. I am about to graduate from a great program, i have a job lined up that im truly passionate about. I have a wonderful boyfriend who doesn't quite understand my anxiety and distress but tries very hard and is a wonderful support system. I'm moving soon to a city where both he and my best friend live and my family is so supportive of me. I'm looking forward to my future. I have everything going for me - yet I feel awful. I feel trapped here in school, going through the motions of the tedious never ending tough work and I just want to be where my friends are in the "real world"... that is really the only problem in my life, though its a recent one.

My anxiety has been around long before this - a few years now - but its the worst its ever been. I feel guilty for having so much going for me and still struggling. I feel like an imposter in the anxiety world. I used to hurt myself before when my anxiety first started and its a constant battle everyday not to fall victim to that again. I get anxious and depressed, i look for support around me, then I feel so down on myself for being a burden to everyone, to not be able to just toughen up and get through it. I feel weak, scared, and unable to truly express the battle inside me. I struggling to keep my head above water and nothing seems to work and no one seems to truly understand. I know its up to me and only me to get over this but I feel like everyday i have to convince myself to get out of bed. I'm constantly talking myself through my negative thoughts and trying to force the positive...

I don't really know what the real point of this post is or what I want from it... I guess just to get it out there.