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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Can someone get anxiety when he didn't have before????please help

    Ok so i think i am pretty social person when the need arise i can deal with people put on a good show and i good joke i had pretty good presentation skills and i could talk with people i didn't know very easily.
    it was actually part of my last position that i had to present for for people 3 times i week or so and i delivered sessions also both technical and non-technical before

    every thing sounds good and all but here's where things get rather weird i couple of weeks before we had a business pitch which was kinda important and i was given the job of actually pitching it and i utterly fucked it up (its alright it happens to every one sometimes we are only human ) and i though that it was behind me not problems

    but today we had like a company meeting (about 60 people or so) and i was asked for my input on a subject(company culture and what not) and just when i was going to answer i had something that feels suspiciously like a panic attack it felt like my vision was going into tunnel vision i head was like it was being pulled from all sides and my stomach cramped and i barley said part of the input and when i sat down i felt heavy like i just ran a marathon

    and then i begin thinking and i found my self that in the last couple of weeks i didn't get out of the house except for work and i felt out of place in the last social gathering going to the corners of the room (i never did that before) not to mention that i have been mood swings feeling down for no reason

    i am really really really sacred my lively hood actually centers around managing and speaking to people while pitching ideas and delivering relevant sessions to the different teams and i work with strangers 90% of the time and know i have to put effort to even speak to a little crowd

    .p.s.i used to feel anxiety when i had a big game when i was little (i trained in karate *black belt*) and it was the cause of more than one defeat

    Please Help me if you can!!!
    Last edited by NewGuy; 01-23-2015 at 07:11 PM.



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