I'm having a BIG relapse (GAD, panic attacks and adrenal burned out), that has been going on for mabye 6 months now. The last 10 weeks I have been very ill. I have a psycologist, and last time I saw her she told me that I had to work harder to get better. But this just made me feel worse, because it makes me feel like it's my own fault that I am sick, and when I don't succe with my exercises and strategies for anxiety and GAD I feel week. And then the guilt and shame takes over. Which off course makes me feel even more like a pile of dirt.
It's like a moment 22, because I know that if I don't do my exercises I won't get better, but if I do them and don't succee or if I have to much anxiety and panic so that I don't can even make it to the point where I can try to do the exercises, I feel worse, so that won't make me get better either.
In times when I have been less ill I have been able to do my exercises and use my strategies, and they have been working very well. Mabye I am to ill right now?