Alright guys, so the other day my thirteen year old daughter was in PE at school and was running a mile around the track. She apparently caught her foot on an uneven piece of cement and rolled her ankle, also skidding across the ground on her side. Her left knee took most of the impact, and she began to cry out of pain. She is a strong girl and does not usually shed tears, so this detail surprised me.
Anyways, her friends had to help her walk to the office where they called me to pick her up. I saw her in the office and was not sure that this required a pick up, but I took her home anyways. She had a badly mangled left side and her knee was all bloody and gashed up. Her ankle was pretty swollen and in pain too, and she teared up as I wrapped it. (And again, she is a thirteen year old who rarely cries)
This was about 2 weeks ago, and she is just fine now, just a little bruised. However, I still feel the need to keep giving her notes to get her out of PE. I know I must be over protective and all, but she was in a lot of pain at first and I am worried about letting her run. And please don't say that she's a big girl and all because I think she is my baby still and I don't want her to get hurt again.

Are most parents this protective, even when their children are just fine? What is the worst thing that has ever happened to your child at school? How long did the note last?