Before I explain what my problem is, I want to give a little back story to clear a few things up:

I haven't seen my aunt, who lives three hours away, in 6 years. We've barely spoken. But for the last year, she has been calling me and I have been promising to go and visit her. My dad really supports the whole visitation thing, so in a few days he's going to drive me to my aunts house. Plain and simple stuff, right?

Well, that's the problem. First of all, I kind of have a fear of driving (in traffic at least). It isn't really debilitating or anything, but it can really screw with my head at times while on the road for a long period of time. Second, I don't trust my dad. Now, I don't need to hear anything about having a better relationship with my father. I've heard it all before. I don't trust him and I never will. End of story. And now he's offering to take me on a three hour long drive (there and back, so six hours) to my aunt's. But from my perspective, he's a very shitty driver. To make things worse, he's also afraid of driving out there. He doesn't even trust himself to drive.

So basically, to sum it up: I have a fear of driving, I don't trust my dad (who is not a safe driver), and I'm gonna be trapped in a really small car for three hours on the freeway with him as the driver. The only thing keeping me from shutting this entire thing down is that I really don't want to upset my aunt (because I made a promise) and I don't want my dad to know I don't trust him and stuff like that. I hope that makes sense.

Please help. I can't sleep at night because it feels like I am going to die in a few days. I keep having horrid thoughts of getting into an insane car crash because of my dad. Am I being irrational? Should I cancel? I feel stuck and scared.

Also, some extra side notes if they're important: I'm a 16-year-old male and my dad is the only person that can drive me out there.