Relationship Anxiety is making my life a mess right now. For a little background, I am only 17 years old, and have been suffering from anxiety disorder for as long as I can remember. When my anxiety heightened, a year or so ago it was over a potential medical issue. I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 2 years now, and he's a completely wonderful person. I feel as though I should have no reason to feel anxiety about him. He treats me like a princess and is always being silly to try and cheer me up. However, for months now, he has been the focus of my anxiety. Simply thinking of him sends a rush of anxiety and anxiousness through my body. When he does something strange or silly, I get anxiety. He's a great guy, and has not harmed me or anything in any way.

If I could trace back one event that could have initiated this anxiety, I would think that it would be about 6 or 7 months ago when a friend of mine was dumped by her boyfriend of 2 years. My friends and I were for sure they would last, and they did not. Ever since then, I believe, whenever I get anxiety, it is a fear of falling out of love with my boyfriend. It has gotten so bad that I have wondered recently if I still love him. However, I want to be with him, and I want this anxiety to go away. I'm just afraid that if the anxiety goes away, that the feelings of not loving him will still be there. I do not want to break his heart, as he is my best friend as well as my boyfriend. I go to him for everything, including the issue of him triggering my anxiety, and he has been completely understanding and has done very much to help me overcome this. I feel guilty for telling him, but he has always been the first one I want to tell anything ever since we began our relationship. Honestly, I am just very confused, and very scared. I want to know why he would trigger my anxiety, and would like to know if anyone has experienced this feeling or can help. Thank you.